Sharp Visualization

Overview first – Detail on demand – Insight in sight

Scientific problems are rarely answered by direct comparison between A and B; next, we want to learn about the impact of parameter 1, 2, and 3 and further, stratify our patient groups according to shared properties and differences observed in our data. These are constructive and necessary steps when complex phenomena are the objective of the studies, e.g. a high volume of multivariate biomedical data are analyzed to give information about cause and diagnosis of a disease, an individual‘s prognosis and potentially, the responsiveness to a special medication.
As expected, complex phenomena are mirrored by the complexity of the respective multi-scale, highly interconnected and condition-dependent data. It is a real challenge to visually inspect all relevant data, decide which level of simplification is suitable to clearly reveal patterns in the data and points towards new insights. Especially, multidimensional data patterns are difficult to recognize when encoded into two dimensions. Therefore, the real artistry lies in the extraction of relevant information by applicable analytical methods and the explorative visualization of the results.

sharp visualization

” I simply can’t figure it out..“

Interactive visualizations for intuitive data exploration

We develop beautiful visualizations that make life science data fun to explore – interactively and intuitively. Inspect your data from the perspective that you define – by including information from connected data types and dynamically enriching plots with associated metadata. Interactively configure downstream analysis on subpopulations of your data with a few clicks – stratify, analyze, advance!